UNESCO launched the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme in 1991 as an international action plan for academic solidarity to strengthen inter-university co-operation with particular emphasis on support to higher education in the developing countries.
The programme works towards establishing and reinforcing strong and durable linkages amongst higher education and scientific institutions worldwide and at facilitating the transfer of knowledge while combating the brain drain. Special attention is paid to providing assistance through inter-regional and (sub)regional linkages.
The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme encompasses a broad spectrum of activities requiring very flexible modes of action. It is based on genuine, equal partnership among the higher education institutions which initiate various projects within its framework.
Two types of closely interrelated and interdependent activities have emerged as the base for the major strategies for implementing the Programme: inter-university networks and international UNESCO Chairs. While individual chairs responding to specific needs are possible, the programme endeavours to create the proper conditions to allow each chair to be a focal point of a network or to be a part of a network.
The UNITWIN network on Interreligious studies
The International Youth Day - August 12, 2015
The International Youth Day (August 12 th ) is approaching us very fast. The theme of this year is Civic engagement .
We are pleased to share with you some materials developed by UN. This year there is a Campaign leading up to the International Youth Day. The Campaign will open up a space for young people to share their stories and ideas on civic engagement activities. Young people will be able to share their message by submitting a photograph that relates to the theme, by tweeting ideas and opinions on the theme using #YouthDay, or by organizing an International Youth Day Event. Attached is the Social Media advisory and some messages.
What could be done: - Tweets about the positive impact of youth participating in youth civic engagement activities - Photos of young people portraying how they engage in and promote civic engagement activities for change - Spread the word about International Youth Day – share materials via FB, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtags #YouthDay - Organize an event to celebrate International Youth Day in your community, school, youth club, or workplace. You can get some ideas from our toolkit
We encourage you to disseminate the information about the IYD to all your partners and actively get involved in the online and offline activities!